By using vestingTokens as an input in other apps or tools, you can allow users to access certain features or services in exchange for holding tokens that are subject to a vesting schedule. This can be especially useful for scenarios where you want to incentivize long-term engagement or participation.

  1. Find the address(es) of the vestingTokens you want to use. These can be found on the Project dashboard under the “Vesting” section in the “Manage Vesting Rounds” tab.
  2. In your other app or tool, use the vestingToken address(es) as you would use the project token address. The vestingTokens will be treated in the same way as the native ERC20 project token.
  3. That’s it! Your users will now be able to use their vestingTokens in your other apps or tools.

You can easily integrate vestingTokens into your other apps and tools, and give users a way to access certain features or services using tokens that are subject to a vesting schedule. This can be a great way to incentivize long-term engagement and participation.