If you want to issue a token on a high security and high fee chain, such as Ethereum, but also want to take advantage of the lower fees and speed of an L2 or Alt L1 chain like Binance Smart Chain, you can use the process of bridging to achieve this.

By bridging your token to a supported L2 or Alt L1 chain, you can deploy the vesting of your bridged token on the alternate chain, allowing your users to vest out, trade on illiquid, claim, or do whatever they want with the token. And if they want to, they can use their claimed and unlocked token to bridge back to the native, high security version of the token on Ethereum.

This process can save you and your users a lot on network fees, while still retaining the ability to use the native, high security version of the token in the future.

  1. Issue your token natively on the high security and high fee chain, such as Ethereum. You can use the Unvest Token Creator.
  2. Bridge your token from Ethereum to the L2 or Alt L1 chain of your choice. This can usually be done through a bridge contract or tool provided by the L2 or Alt L1 chain, or through a service like Multichain.
  3. Once your token has been successfully bridged, you can deploy a vesting round for it on the L2 or Alt L1 chain. Follow the steps in the this tutorial to set up the vesting schedule and distribute the bridged tokens to the desired addresses. Use the bridged token address instead of the native token address for your distribution.
  4. Your users can now claim their vested tokens and use their vestingTokens on the L2 or Alt L1 chain, they can trade them on Illiquid or use them for other utility on your L2 or Alt L1 platform.
  5. Once a users has claimed all of their unlocked tokens, they will hold a balanced of bridged token on the L2 or Alt L1.
  6. If your users wish to move their bridged tokens back to Ethereum, they can use the same bridge contract or tool (eg. Multichain) to do so.