Liquidity Lock FAQs
Frequently asked questions regarding Liquidity Locks and liquidLock tokens.
Uniswap v2, Quickswap, Pancakeswap, Pangolin and other DEX LP tokens that are forks of Uniswap v2 are supported. Uniswap v3 support is coming soon.
There are no fees to create liquidity locks, other than the usual transaction fees associated with making on-chain transactions.
There is a 2.5% protocol transfer fee if you move or sell your liquidLock tokens during vesting.
Liquidity locks work by wrapping the tokens in the liquidity pool into special ERC20 tokens called “liquidLock” tokens. These tokens can be traded or transferred like any other ERC20, but they cannot be withdrawn from the liquidity pool until the lock period has expired.
Yes, you can create as many liquidity locks as you like, with different unlock schedules and conditions. This allows you to fine-tune the terms of your liquidity provision to meet your specific needs.
Yes, you can create fully custom unlock schedules with cliff periods, milestones, instalments, linear or steps. Alternatively, you can use the simple mode to create a liquidity lock with a single unlock date.
Yes, liquidLock tokens can be transferred like any other ERC20. However, they cannot be withdrawn from the liquidity pool until the lock period has expired.
No, once a liquidity lock has been created it is permanent and cannot be undone, cancelled, or deleted. This ensures that liquidity providers are held to the terms of their commitment.
Yes, you can choose to spread the lock among multiple wallets, such as team members, department multisigs, community members, or investors. This can help to spread risk and ensure that the lock is distributed fairly.
There are many ways to use liquidLocks, including as a way to incentivize liquidity provision, to distribute tokens among team members or community members, or to use as collateral for loans. Anything you can do with an ERC20, you can do with a liquidLock. The possibilities are endless.