If a simple unlock date doesn’t suit your needs, you can create a fully custom unlock schedule with our advanced mode. This is accessed by clicking the “Create a custom unlock schedule” button. With this mode, you can create a schedule with cliff periods, milestones, instalments, and more. You can even choose between linear or step vesting.

All of these options can be set with LiquidLocks, our ERC20s that represent a claim for your project tokens. These LiquidLocks can be traded or used as collateral, but cannot be withdrawn or cancelled until the unlock date. Create as many LiquidLocks as you like, with partial locks and unlocks, sudden or gradual unlocks.

LiquidLocks are permanent and cannot be undone, hidden, or deleted. Use this advanced mode on the testnet first to get familiar with the tool before your launch date to ensure a smooth launch.

For more on how to use the Schedule Editor:

Schedule Editor